We’re expanding to Frisco! Our new location is expected to open in April. Stay tuned for updates!

For Referring Physicians

At Glaucoma Center of Texas, our physicians welcome the opportunity to work with you and provide the best comprehensive glaucoma evaluation and treatment for your patients.

Our doctors are all fellowship-trained, board-certified glaucoma specialists skilled in a wide range of surgical techniques ranging from minimally invasive glaucoma surgery to traditional glaucoma filtering surgery and are experienced in managing complex cataract and combined glaucoma and cataract surgeries.

We are committed to providing high-quality, professional, and individually tailored care to each of our patients. Most importantly we look forward to working in close partnership with our referring physicians and keeping you informed regarding the management of our mutual patients.

We accept new patients every day at both of our locations and urgent/emergent referrals are seen on the same day. To refer a patient please call us at 214.739.3900 or click the button below.

To print out a detailed map of our locations and information about our practice for your patients please click the link below.